Diving With Plymouth Sound BS-AC
Recently spent a good days diving Hand Deeps for the Western Morning News at the invitation of Plymouth Sound BS-AC.

Nice trip out to one of my favourite local sites, Hand Deeps, for a WMN profile piece on the Mountbatten-based Plymouth Sound BS-AC.
Although the visibility wasn't great due to a plankton bloom it's always a nice site to visit and we even had a pod of common dolphins riding our bow wave on the return journey to Mountbatten.
If your club or charter boat are looking to rise their profile or have a diving/marine life story of interest please feel free to drop me a line....
Although the visibility wasn't great due to a plankton bloom it's always a nice site to visit and we even had a pod of common dolphins riding our bow wave on the return journey to Mountbatten.
If your club or charter boat are looking to rise their profile or have a diving/marine life story of interest please feel free to drop me a line....